Educational Reform:
In 1880s when Sun Yat-sen was forming his philosophy of Nationalist China he tried to preach to his contemporaries that the secret of Western success does not lie in the advanced weapons but in the value system that focuses on development of human resource to its maximum potential. His view was that focus on human development is the key lesson that China needs to learn from West in order to emerge as a nation equal to other advanced nations in the new world order. Today we need to re-learn this lesson back in America from the father of the nation of China. I intend to chart out key pillars that US education system has to focus on in rebuilding our competitive workforce and emerge as a leading nation in the emerging new world order.
Pursuing short term economic growth while leaving door open to future opportunities
Publication Date: February 13, 2014
Manufacturing or making things out of raw resources has been the source of industrial revolution. Today we continue to see manufacturing as a low margin business with minimal growth opportunities and therefore focus on high margin opportunities. Many times in the past I have spoken the importance of a balanced economy where a healthy manufacturing sector can help launch the next generation of growth opportunities for a nation or a geographical region. Today I want to highlight an underlying characteristics or skills that we have enhance to deliver on next generation of industries.
When I talk about manufacturing I do not intend to limit myself to the industrial manufacturing but production of all physical goods. For example manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals, new materials used in high quality construction (say cheap graphene), construction of nano-materials for embedded medical tablets, nano-materials (eg. Polymer non-composites or metal matrix non-composites), as well as new generation of construction around robotics, personal manufacturing (e.g. 3D printers).
Debt Ceiling Compromise … E Pluribus Eunum … Anyone?
Publication Date: February 13, 2014
The deal on the debt ceiling reached in Washington this week has two parts:
Part 1:
In summary deal reached in the Washington allowed for a debt ceiling to be raised by $1T while at the same committed to $917B in spending reductions over 10 years. These 917B are roughly come from $350B cuts in military (read Republican compromise) and 391B come from other discretionary programs (read Democratic compromise) and rest comes from interest savings.
Part 2:
Additionally deal requires that additional $1.3T in savings have to be agreed upon and passed as a law by the end of November. If agreement is not reached by the end of November than automatic reduction will be enacted that will be painful for both parties. Automatic reduction includes $500B reduction in military spending (read painful to GOP) and $500B reduction in entitlement programs, like Medicare (read painful to Democrats) and $200B interest savings.
Previous two articles tried to establish that order creation is the ultimate core definition and meaning of life. Purpose of this article is to bring home this hypothesis to daily life and implications of this concept to how we should live a
In my last essay I claimed that “creative action” is the ultimate meaning of life. In this essay I will try to define few fundamental concepts that I use in the Creative Action theory of meaning of life. I will use these concepts in the next article to layout what is creative action and how it applies to the life of humans and why it is the ultimate meaning of life.
Time is the fire in which we all burn. Decay and deterioration, in due time, of every object, animate or inanimate, is irrefutable. Humanity has searched for eternal youth for eons, however until recently many adventurers seeking the fountain of youth did not realize that they are up against the most fundamental laws of nature, the second law of thermodynamics. For many scientists second law of thermodynamics comes closest to the absolute law of nature that governs everything in the universe.
Educational Reform: In 1880s when Sun Yat-sen was forming his philosophy of Nationalist China he tried to preach to his contemporaries that the secret of Western success does not lie in the advanced weapons but in the value system that focuses on development of human resource to its maximum potential. His view was that focus […]
What is the meaning of Life? “The Question ” is as timeless as the time itself. From the start of her conscious beginning humanity has been asking this question in numerous ways. Quest for meaning in our existence is the germination seed of
Complexity of Complex Systems –Wikipedia’s new decision to put editorial staff is not the sign that Wikipedia is turning away from its core principles
Publication Date: January 30, 2014
Complexity of Complex Systems –Wikipedia’s new decision to put editorial staff is not the sign that Wikipedia is turning away from its core principles – It is taking this site to the next level of crowd sourced based complex dynamical system